Monday, September 13, 2010

I am back at the Tobacco cottage. Home, I guess. I am very lucky to have made some really good friends here at Valhalla, people who are willing to catch me when I fall. Erin has decided to hire Kate. I am disappointed and hurt, but I will be working more on my own and will have access to both instructors, so that will be good.

Erin gave me a very bad lesson the other day on Insightful, and left me crying in the saddle, and after my lesson. She basically made me feel completely worthless as a rider, and told me that I was ruining her best horse. At one point, I almost got off. I confronted her after my lesson about how mean she was, and she said that, amoung other things, she had some residual anger about me leaving in the first place. However, she realized that she was completely in the wrong and apologized and apologized every time she saw me for the rest of the day.

I feel like everyone is a little upset with me for leaving, so I am working through that right now. However, I told Jean that I am still glad I did it, because I would have always wondered what would have come from the opportunity if I didn't pursue it. I am really mad at AJ for screwing things up for me, though. He had promised to buy me a horse, a saddle, and take me to shows - all things that I desperately want, but am not willing to sell myself for. Hopefully there will be another way to get there.


  1. Cant blame Jean or Erin for being upset,,they give you the opportunity of a lifetime,and you try to move on to what you think is a better opportunity.

    please grow up,and thank your lucky stars they have taken you back.

    Work hard and earn their trust,I am sure they will let you know when you are ready to move on.

    They have helped so many riders /trainers to get started.

  2. Love to hear how your journey is going. We need an update.
