Monday, August 17, 2009

I find that when I let more than a couple days go by between posts, I have so much to catch up on that I am bound to miss something, which will be the case with this post, I am sure.

Thursday night, John, Anna, Laura and I went to Applebees for karaoke. Anna brought her boyfriend and his friend. It was nice to get away from the farm together and let loose a little. In fact, we were rehashing a story from the day over drinks and I guess we got a little too rowdy because the manager came up to us and asked us to stop swearing. We had a good time that night, and it was worth being a little tired at work the next day.

Camille came to visit on Friday and Saturday to see how Glory was doing. Glory has lost 100 pounds already! Camille seemed to be pretty happy with how Glory was coming along, which I was very glad about. Glory was actually really great on Friday, but then seemed to be pretty tired on Saturday, so we gave her Sunday off. I gave Camille a lesson on the lunge line, and when Camille remarked to Erin that I seemed to have good skills at a teacher, I made my usual remark of "I would like to teach lessons someday," to which Camille confirmed, "You are!" Oh yeah, that's right, I am an equestrian professionally now. Thanks for the reminder =)

Laura was bringing horses in this morning, and Honorbound was acting bratty. She took a moment to take him aside to teach him a lesson about being respectful, and he unexpectedly kicked her. I saw the horse run off and heard Laura moaning, so I ran up to see her lying on the ground. I really didn't know what to do other than ask her what happened, what she thinks she hurt, and to tell her to not get up until Tiffany came to assist. She went to the ER with Jean where it was found that she broke her elbow in 3 places. She has to go to Gainesville on Friday to have surgery and have a pin put in. Now we have Laura, Anna, Tiffany, and Andrew all leaving. Anna and Tiffany have a couple more weeks, I believe, and after that it will just be me and John, so hopefully they will get someone else in right away. Luke is helping out riding some of the horses, but he does not do any of the chores.

I am working on expanding my "list" of horses that I am going to be working with. I had my first ride on Mocha II on Friday, and then showed him to clients on Saturday. Today I rode Scooter for a group of clients for the first time as well. He is so trustworthy that I even went over a little jump with him. Scooter is an Arabian gelding that got left here by one of their previous working students. He is a really sweet horse and is a little sad because he doesn't know where his owner went. I don't think she is coming back for him and Jean is trying to sell him to cover the board that she owes for him. I am going to try to get Scooter on my list even though he is not as fabulous as some of the other horses - just because I like him. So far I have not been riding as much as I expected to. I am riding typically 2 or 3 times per day, and I was expecting to ride 5 or 6 horses a day. I made it clear to Erin today that I want to ride more, so we will see if that happens with her, otherwise I will talk to Jean about it, since I know Jean really wants me to ride as much as I can.

I am acclimated to the weather already. I have been remarking for the past couple of days how it hasn't been so hot and it has been more comfortable. However, I just checked the weather and it has still been in the mid 90s. Yesterday we had a tropical depression, but did not really get any rain. It is the end of hurricane season, and we are expecting a couple tropical storms, but I don't think any of them sound too bad. I am a bit skeptical, actually, because I have noticed that even when it storms really hard here, it only lasts for a little while and then it clears up and is nice again.

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