Sunday, August 30, 2009

I have the day off today and slept in until 11:30. Yes!!! I didn't get to bed until 3:00 am though, since we went to Gainesville again last night. We had a going away celebration for Anna and went out for some sushi (yum!) and then went to a club to dance. We danced the night away and it was a lot of fun, even though it was extremely packed and really hot in there. I am so glad that I do not have to work today, and I don't know how the others are doing it. Tonight we are having a cook out as well.

Camille came to visit this weekend. I rode Glory for her on Friday, and Glory was really naughty so I had to work through a few things with her, rather than just show off what we have been doing, which was kind of frustrating. The horse was mad because I usually ride her right away in the morning, but that day I rode her last and the feed cart passed by us as she was standing in the cross ties. She was thinking about food the whole time we were working. I guess I learned to mix things up a bit more! On Saturday she was much better though. Camille rode her and thinks I am doing a very good job with her, which is really nice to hear. Camille gets to ride a lot when she comes to visit, so it is really good for her as well.

My other training horse, Luc, is coming along nicely so far. He is a really cute little guy, but he is totally green. John got on him for me the other day to give me another perspective on him. I just love how everyone helps each other out here, and John actually thanked me for letting him ride him! My understanding is that Luc's owner is a timid rider, so she has been holding him back. He tries really hard to take care of his rider, but he is also young and green, so sometimes he acts out in frustration. Hopefully we can get Gilda to enjoy Luc as much as Camille is starting to enjoy Glory.

Every day is eventful around here. Yesterday the dentist showed up in the morning, and none of us were even aware she was coming. She ended up having to do 14 horses, which really throws our day off, since someone has to help get the horses and hold them for her. In the case of badly behaving horses, it takes two people to hold them. The horses also take awhile to wake back up from the drugs, so they cannot be turned out right away. Jean will also throw me a curve ball every now and then, and I am afraid that she thinks I am not paying attention to what is going on around the farm. However, I have been riding more consistently lately, and Erin has been really supportive of my riding. I have had a few really good rides with her this past week, so I think she is starting to put more faith in my abilities. On days when she is not in, I end up having to lunge and free jump a bunch of her horses for her when I would really rather be riding. On those days I just remind myself that I am a professional equestrian, not just a rider, and put my efforts into doing the best job I can. For the first time in my life I feel like I am fully engaged in every moment of my life, and it is a great feeling!

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