Saturday, August 22, 2009

Today was a great day! We started at 7:30 instead of 6:30, and got done before 6:00! I told everyone that we have to figure out what we did right today that we have not been doing right on the days where we start at 6:30 and do not get done until after 7:00.

I rode 3 horses today, which is pretty typical at this point, though I always want to ride more. I took Glory in a hack in the 40 acre field. She has been working really hard in the ring, so it was a nice change for her. The peanut hay is blooming right now, so it's really pretty out there, and we will probably get some riding pics out there since they always turn out nice.

I had a good lesson on Adeline. Her feet have been sore lately, and yesterday she did not want to move forward at all. Today we tried some boots on her that are designed for horses that climb in the rocks! They worked well and she was much happier. Erin was working with me on riding more from my seat and legs and less with my hands, which I have noticed a lot lately. I am also tweaking my posting trot, and trying to get my heels down more, as well as starting to use my entire leg as an aid, rather than just my calf.

I also rode Mocha II. Erin is having me ride him much more over the back, more deep and round than I typically ride, and I am interested to see the results from that type of riding on this type of horse. He wants to run around inverted and throw his head up in the air. I am teaching him that throwing his head up means that he has to bend more, which he never gets mad about, he just accepts it. He has a really great disposition and is very athletic. I think he is going to be a great horse, so I can't wait to see the improvement in him.

Florida is great (except for the bugs) and I have the day off tomorrow, so I am going to try and do some sight seeing. The unfortunate part is that none of my friends have off on the same day as I do, so I will have to do it by myself, unless I want to do something with Erin, but she just started seeing someone, so it's hard to get her to break away.

I think it's neat to see the affect I am having on the people at the barn. Everyone says that I am fitting in well, since we are all friends and like to have fun and joke around, but I am also encouraging them to take care of themselves. For example, before I got here, they would all work through their lunch, unless they were "lucky" enough to get a lunch. Personally, I think it's crazy to work 12 + hours without eating, so I told them to just take a lunch when they were hungry. Rather than ask "Can I take a lunch?" say "I am going to grab something to eat, and when I get back I will do x, y, z." John told me the other day that he is so glad that I am encouraging them to do that because now he has the energy to make it through the day. Well - duh!

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